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☪ Mâverâ İslâmiye

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Discordda İslami ve Osmanlı bi sunucu arıyorsan Mavera İslam tam senlik!!!
•Farklı fikirlerin müzaralarının yapıldığı,aktif ve kolayca kaynaşabileceğiniz kanallar.

İsmailağadan gelen hocalarımız ile yaptığımız etkinlikler. Bunun yanında Tarihi ve siyasi gündem sohbetleri.

Etkin admin ve moderatör ekibi.

Seviye-Rol sistemi ve özel ayrıcalıklar.

Seni de aramızda görmekten mutluluk duyarız.

More servers

Umbra Diaboli  discord server

Umbra Diaboli

Satanizm; sanat, bilim, felsefe, özgürlüğün dinidir. Bu yolda ilerleyen kişiler, kendilerini Efendi'nin ışığında sürekli geliştirirler. Siz de bu din hakkında bilgi almak isterseniz discord sunucumuza gelebilirsiniz. | www.teistiksatanizm.com

Theocord  discord server


Welcome to Theocord! Here you will find a welcoming environment for people of all practices (and lack thereof), moderated by an experienced and compassionate mod team.

Our Server includes:
》A wide range of religious/practice roles
》LGBTQ+ safe space channels
》Mental health channels
》Open Resource Library
》Daily scripture posting
》A fair and equal community, in which all members are aware of server changes and decisions
》Scripture bots for easy reference


Salam Talk  discord server

Salam Talk

Asalamu Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu, (May Peace and Mercy and Blessings of Allah be Upon You). Salam Talk is the most positive Muslim discord server you will ever come across. It stands as a good environment for the youth while also being a positive environment for people to learn more about Islam, regardless of being Muslim or not. Our main objective is to achieve a strong foundation of the basics of islam, Allah swt and Muhammad saw which are the most important aspects about our fa

MyMuslim Community  discord server

MyMuslim Community

Willkommen auf MyMuslim Community.
Ein Server für Muslime
Ahlul Sunnah wal Jamah

✏️ Unterrichte mit Sheikh
❓ Islam-Fragen-Antworten
📖 Quran rezitieren
🎓 Arabische Buchstaben lernen
📚 Bücher Vorlesungen & Vorträge
👤 Männer-Abend / Frauen-Abend Freitags
💬 Gespräche (Geschlechtergetrennt)
🔊 Podcast aktiv/passiv dabei sein
📋 Programmierte Islamische Spiele, Quiz etc
🎮 Gaming Bereich
💪🏻 Fitness/Lifestyle/Gesundheit

7x  discord server


/1purpose is an active, welcoming community discord server. Whether you're interested in discussing Islamic teachings, connecting with others, or just looking for a community, we invite you to join us.

𝐋𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞 | 𝐤𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐣  discord server

𝐋𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞 | 𝐤𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐣

⇢ ˗ˏˋ Laugh Tale! لاف تيل ࿐ྂ

What we offer مذا نقدم:

➠ Specialized Roles رولات متخصصة☀️

➠Leveling system with reward roles نظام اللفلات مع ادوار المكافئة🔝

➠supportive staff موظفين داعمين🦸🏻

➠VIP speciality which offers more flexibility in our server ادوار كبار الشخصيات التي تتيح لهم متميزات مختلفة💎

➠ a worry free environment بيئة خالية من القلق🫡

➠ study channel شنلات للدراسة🧘🏻

➠ Constant events and giveaways 🎁 فعاليات دائمة و هداية

🍉 Heart of Palestine  discord server

🍉 Heart of Palestine

Welcome to Heart of Palestine, where our main purpose is to spread and share information about Palestine. This is a safe, non-toxic, and active server where you can stay up to date with audited and authentic information on Palestine.

We upload hourly news of the following that include:

🍉Global news related to Palestine
🍉Updates on armed struggle in the region
🍉Information on protests/boycotts
🍉Press Releases
🍉Martyr information and tolls
🍉Links and Resources

Serbest Merkez discord server

Serbest Merkez

Sunucumuza Hoşgeldiniz!

Burası, çeşitli konularda serbestçe sohbet edebileceğiniz, yeni arkadaşlar edinebileceğiniz ve eğlenceli vakit geçirebileceğiniz bir topluluktur. Sunucumuzda herkese uygun kanallar ve etkinlikler bulunmaktadır.

- Genel Sohbet: Günlük sohbetler ve çeşitli konular hakkında tartışmalar için.
- Düşünce ve İfade Özgürlüğü: Sunucumuzun korumayı amaçladığı d