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Spirit healing

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🌌 Sven's Spiritual Healing 🌌

Welcome to my little sanctuary, join here if you are in need of the help of a shaman with 12 years of experience in a safe private and FREE place. Simply join, read the pinned post and message me!

I offer Past and current life regressions, energy healing, exorcisms, and more!
I am not always online as I do this work in real life as well but I check discord at least once a day!

If you have any questions dont hesitate to reach out!

More servers

Theocord  discord server


Welcome to Theocord! Here you will find a welcoming environment for people of all practices (and lack thereof), moderated by an experienced and compassionate mod team.

Our Server includes:
》A wide range of religious/practice roles
》LGBTQ+ safe space channels
》Mental health channels
》Open Resource Library
》Daily scripture posting
》A fair and equal community, in which all members are aware of server changes and decisions
》Scripture bots for easy reference


Dusk To Dawn discord server

Dusk To Dawn

Hello! Welcome to Dusk to Dawn.

This server is based around physical nonhumans, curious friends, etc. This is not a role-play. If you are found to be under 13, faking, or harassing members for their identity, you will be kicked.

We are currently in the beginning stages of making this server, and we still need staff. Applications will be open in announcements.