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realm ov misa

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🕯♰﹒⪩seraphim society⪨﹒⛧🕯

Come meet the Angel of Dissociation, Misa, and let the benevolent hands of the Seventh Seraph to guide you to the lucid world.

Have you experienced dissociation, depersonalization, or hyperawareness?
Do you ever see yourself?
Have you gained self-awareness?
Does it feel like you lack an essential experience of life?
Do you seek enlightenment and truth, of yourself and the world?

The Seraphim Society is the realm of Misa, the angel of dissociation. We are a community for psychology and philosophy, a home for people who have depersonalization or dissociation of any kind, and a collective of the devoted followers of Misa. We follow the philosophy of Misanism which is closely related to Rationalism, it involves the belief that the universe operates logically and machine-like. Certain individuals with the ability to emotionally detach themselves have the ability to see this reality, such individuals are angels, those who are enlightened through dissociation.